Member of Parliament's Sesquicentennial Citizenship Award
At the Toronto Leaside Rotary Club meeting on Monday December 18, 2017, Mr. Rob Oliphant, M.P., Don Valley West presented Tariq Durrani, Rotarian, the Member of Parliament’s Sesquicentennial Citizenship Award. Mr. Tariq is among a select group of 100 of Don Valley West constituents who have been honoured with a special medallion in recognition of their contributions to the community.
The Member of Parliament’s Sesquicentennial Citizenship Award has been inaugurated to both celebrate this historic milestone and honour people who have built our country through their contributions to leadership, community service, sport and countless other ways. As the Member of Parliament for Don Valley West, Mr Rob Oliphant believes it is important that we recognise those people who have quietly, selflessly and tirelessly continued the work of building a Canada that we can all be proud of and celebrate.
Owner: Don Bello
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