Posted on Sep 15, 2019
A September (15th) to Remember! Adverse weather conditions earlier in the day did not spoil the Leaside Rotary Community Corn Roast. The Leaside community turned out to support this important fund raising event and all agreed that it was a great afternoon of fun. Lots of corn on the cob, hot dogs, pea meal bacon sandwiches, ice cream and drinks.
  • The MC was dynamite managing the egg and spoon, wheel-barrow, three-legged and sack races. A special thanks to Marisa Caple who organized these new activities at the corn roast. Her concept of an old-time family picnic was a booming success with the kids and adults.
  • The guessing jars, gone fishing, reptile stands attracted many adults and kids.
  • Club members and their families and friends came out to support the event in numerous ways
  • A special thanks to the Leaside High school volunteers who worked tirelessly to serve food, manage specific activities
  • Bob Lister: What would we do without him
  • Sandy Dunn, you were magnificent
  • 50-50 Raffle winner: Allan Rakowshy
  • To our Sponsors. Thank you. Without your support we would not have a Community Corn Roast.